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1 januari 2025
Dear colleague,
Thank you very much for paying your BARA membership for 2025. Please find below the certificate of payment and proof that you are a member of the BARA for 2025. This membership expires on 31 January 2025.
On our website you can find an overview of all BARA activities, planned meetings, past meetings as well as all accreditation information for those activities. You can indicate any changes in your personal data online via your personal login and password. Your personal details will only be used for anesthesia related purposes by our secretariat and will not be communicated to other parties.
With kind regards,
Dr. Matthias Desmet
We hereby certify that
paid the amount of 100 euro as membership contribution for 2025.

Dr. Matthias Desmet
President of the BARA
BARA vzw-asbl
UZ Leuven, Dept. Anesthesia
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven